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git commit msg 规范

  • Subject 一句话概述 commit 主题(必须)
  • Body 详细描述 What 和 Why (可选)
  • Footer 不兼容或关闭 issue 等说明(可选)


主题(Subject)是 commit 的简短描述,不超过 50 个字符。

  • 用一句话说明本次所作的提交, 如果一句话说不清楚,那有可能这个提交得拆分成多次
  • 主要采用 Verb + Object + Adverb 的形式描述,常见动词及示例如下
    1. feat: 添加代码和逻辑, 如 feat: add xxx field/method/class
    2. fix: 修复 bug,如 fix: #123, fix xxx error
    3. docs: 文档更新,如 docs: change documents
    4. style: 样式修改,如 style: add class or change style
    5. refactor: 代码重构, 如 refactor: rename, move, extract, inline 等
    6. perf: 代码性能优化,perf: improves performance
    7. test: 代码单元测试,test: test menu component
    8. build: 项目构建,build: build project
    9. ci: 修改 CI 文件 ci: change gitlab-ci.yml
    10. chore: 构建过程或辅助工具的变动 chore: change webpack


详细描述本次 commit 做了什么、为什么这样做(不是怎么做的)

  • 每行不要超过 70 字符
  1. 这个改动解决了什么问题?
  2. 这个改动为什么是必要的?
  3. 会影响到哪些其他的代码?
    • bug fix - 组件 bug 修复;
    • breaking change - 不兼容的改动;
    • new feature - 新功能

用于关闭 Issue 或存在不兼容时添加相关说明等

  1. breaking change: 与上一个版本不兼容的相关描述、理由及迁移办法
  2. close #issue: 关闭相关问题(附链接)
  3. revert: 撤销以前的 commit

使用 commitlint 规范提交

  • @commitlint/cli 校验 git commit 信息是否符合规范,保证团队的一致性
  • @commitlint/config-conventional Anglar 的提交规范
npm install commitizen -g
npm i @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional -D
npm i -D cz-git


module.exports = {
  ignores: [commit => commit.includes("init")],
  extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
  // parserPreset: "conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits",
  rules: {
    // @see:
    "body-leading-blank": [2, "always"],
    "footer-leading-blank": [1, "always"],
    "header-max-length": [2, "always", 108],
    "subject-empty": [2, "never"],
    "type-empty": [2, "never"],
    "subject-case": [0],
    "type-enum": [2, "always", ["feat", "fix", "docs", "style", "refactor", "perf", "test", "build", "ci", "chore", "revert"]],
  prompt: {
    messages: {
      skip: ":skip", // 该字段可以通过回车跳过
      max: "upper %d chars", // 最大字符数
      min: "%d chars at least", // 最少字符数
      emptyWarning: "can not be empty", // 该字段不能为空
      upperLimitWarning: "over limit", // 超出字数限制
      lowerLimitWarning: "below limit", // 字符数小于下限
    questions: {
      type: {
        description: "选择你要提交的类型 :",
        enum: {
          feat: {
            description: "🚀  新增功能",
            title: "Features",
            emoji: "🚀",
          fix: {
            description: "🐛  修复缺陷",
            title: "Bug Fixes",
            emoji: "🐛",
          docs: {
            description: "📚  文档变更",
            title: "Documentation",
            emoji: "📚",
          style: {
            description: "🎨  代码格式(不影响功能,例如空格、分号等格式修正)",
            title: "Styles",
            emoji: "🎨",
          refactor: {
            description: "📦  代码重构(不包括 bug 修复、功能新增)",
            title: "Code Refactoring",
            emoji: "📦",
          perf: {
            description: "⚡️  性能优化",
            title: "Performance Improvements",
            emoji: "⚡️",
          test: {
            description: "🚨  添加疏漏测试或已有测试改动",
            title: "Tests",
            emoji: "🚨",
          build: {
            description: "🛠   构建流程、外部依赖变更(如升级 npm 包、修改 webpack 配置等)",
            title: "Builds",
            emoji: "🛠",
          ci: {
            description: "🎡  修改 CI 配置、脚本",
            title: "Continuous Integrations",
            emoji: "🎡",
          chore: {
            description: "🔨  对构建过程或辅助工具和库的更改(不影响源文件、测试用例)",
            title: "Chores",
            emoji: "🔨",
          revert: {
            description: "⏪️  回滚 commit",
            title: "Reverts",
            emoji: "⏪️",
      scope: {
        description: "选择一个提交范围(可选)(e.g. component or file name):",
      subject: {
        description: "填写简短精炼的变更描述 :\n",
      body: {
        description: "填写更加详细的变更描述(可选)。使用 " | " 换行 :\n",
      isBreaking: {
        description: "有什么非兼容性的变化吗?",
      breakingBody: {
        description: "非兼容性更改提交需要一个主体。请输入提交本身的较长描述",
      breaking: {
        description: "列举非兼容性重大的变更(可选)。使用 " | " 换行 :\n",
      isIssueAffected: {
        description: "此更改是否影响任何open issues?",
      issuesBody: {
        description: "如果issues已解决,则提交需要一个主体。请输入提交本身的较长描述",
      issues: {
        description: 'Add issue references (e.g. "fix #123", "re #123".)',

package.json 配置

  "scripts": {
    "commit": "git add . && git-cz"
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "@commitlint/cz-commitlint"